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The Residents
The Residents - Intermission ((Vinyl))
These 25 minutes of music were recorded by The Residents for their 1982 and '83 tour of THE MOLE SHOW. The five pieces were played in the theaters prior to the band's entrance, during the intermission, and as recessional music at the conclusion of the show. The music fit well with the aforementioned performance, mirroring a few themes found in MARK OF THE MOLE and TUNE OF TWO CITIES.The prelude, "Lights Out" and recessional "The New Hymn" are both instrumentals, while a couple of the intermission's three pieces feature the band's signature vocals. This tour was the band's biggest to date (documented on MOLE SHOW, which was recorded live in Holland), and the creation of this half-hour of music was and continues to be in keeping with The Residents complete and all-enveloping presentations.
- RSD Release Date: DDD