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Steel Fringe - The Steel Fringe EP ((Vinyl))

Steel Fringe

Steel Fringe - The Steel Fringe EP ((Vinyl))

$ 20.80 $ 23.99

Steel Fringe's dreamy country rock blends lazy twanged-out guitars and ethereal vocals, painting vivid landscapes of the Cascades. New on Curation Records, their psychedelic soundscapes capture the essence of the untamed West, invoking a sense of wanderlust and reverence for the rugged beauty of the region.

1. In My Head 2. I Wanna Live 3. Klickitat County 4. Days Gone By

  • Internal ID: JITRE
  • Format Detail: 12" EP
  • Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
  • Genre: Country
  • Format: Vinyl
  • Released: 5/24/24