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Blaak Heat Shujaa - The Edge Of An Era ((CD))

Blaak Heat Shujaa

Blaak Heat Shujaa - The Edge Of An Era ((CD))

$ 11.58 $ 13.99

Heavy Mental psych rockers BLAAK HEAT SHUJAA will†release their sophomore LP The Edge Of An Era, on April 9th.†The follow up to the Los Angeles trio's critically acclaimed Tee†Pee debut EP, The Storm Generation, The Edge Of An Era sees†the ¸ber-talented bands enticing blend of genres combine to†shape a sound unlike anything youve likely heard before; one†that has been called a dissonant symphony unveiling visions†of great natural expanses. BLAAK HEAT SHUJAAs†transcendental tension between its heavy rock roots and an†organic inclination to drift towards psychedelia pays homage to†the vast collection of mind-expanding sounds the trio grew up†on: neo-psychedelia, surf rock, spaghetti westerns, Middle†Eastern scales and even Far Eastern melodies! Produced by†desert session legend Scott Reeder (Sunn†O))), The Obsessed,†Orange Goblin) and mastered at Ventura, CA's Golden†Mastering (Primus, Sonic Youth, Calexico), The Edge Of An Era†boasts guest appearances by both Nobel Prize-nominated†gonzo poet Ron Whitehead and desert rock pioneer Mario Lalli†(Fatso Jetson, Yawning Man) adding even more color to BLAAK†HEATs signature psych rock! Prepare to take a windswept†magic carpet ride over vast plains of desert soundtrack†psychedelia!!!

  • Format Detail: CD
  • Internal ID: JITRE
  • Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
  • Genre: Rock