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Album Club
Album Club - Album Club ((Vinyl))
"Like a book club - only with albums." A simple, but beautiful concept MJ McArthy (Zoey Van Goey) asked a small group of his pals to gather at The Laurieston that mystical voodoo Glasgow boozer&that adored bar that defies all reason and logic and they would talk about a record, track by track, and see what happens. They didn't know each other. There were theatre people:, Playwright Douglas Maxwell, Isobel McArthur (actress and writer, the genius behind smash hit Pride and Prejudice Sort Of) and Cathy Forde (acclaimed YA novelist and playwright) and Rhona NicDhughaill who works for Gaelic arts company Theatre Gu Leor, as well as being an old band buddy of MJ's from their student days. Peter Geoghegan, award- winning firebrand political journalist and writer of the wonderful Democracy For Sale was there. And lastly - and slightly freaking them out on that very first night - were two actual Delgados: Emma Pollock and Paul Savage. And then&MJ had songs. MJ always has songs. And he started to wonder if this particular group of humans could, as well as talk about an album, make an album? For the musicians I don't suppose that was a particularly weird notion, but for the rest of the band it was quite a leap. However, MJ was adamant&let Album Club become ALBUM CLUB. The Band!
Make No Bets The Hard Part Different Hours Transmissions From The Moon Fragile And Frail When You're Ready
- Internal ID: JITRE
- Format Detail: LP
- Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
- Genre: Indie & Alternative