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Norah Jones
Norah Jones - Pick Me Up Off The Floor (Indie Exclusive, Limited Edition,Half ((Vinyl))
Norah Jones’ seventh solo studio album Pick Me Up Off The Floor features collaborators from Brian Blade to Jeff
Tweedy, and grew out of her acclaimed singles series of the past 2 years as the songs she hadn’t yet released
unexpectedly congealed into an album of tremendous depth and beauty connected by the sly groove of her piano
trios, lyrics that confront loss and portend hope, and a mood that leans into darkness before ultimately finding the
Indie Exclusive Half Black/Half White LP
Track Listing:
1.How I Weep, 2.Flame Twin, 3.Hurts To Be Alone, 4.Heartbroken, Day After, 5.Say No More, 6.This Life 1.To
Live, 2.I'm Alive, 3.Were You Watching ?, 4.Stumble On My Way, 5.Heaven Above
- Genre: Jazz