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Green Jelly
Green Jelly - Garbage Band Kids (Colored Vinyl, Pink/ Green Haze) ((Vinyl))
Deluxe PINK/GREEN HAZE vinyl version of the newest album from hilarious punk rock pranksters, Green Jelly (formerly Green Jello) - best known for their 1993 hit "Three Little Pigs!"
Includes guest musical performances by members of Trailer Park Boys, Suicidal Tendencies, Fishbone, The Dwarves, Piledriver, Hacksaw Jim Duggin, Kittie and other PLUS special cameos by "Weird Al" Yankovic and Wink Martindale! Full color illustrations by the artists who created the '80s trading card phenomenon Garbage Pail Kids, including unique drawings for each song which can be cut out to create trading cards!
1 Side A
2 Pukebox
3 Punk Rock Pope
4 Fuxk It
5 Boy Who Cried Wolf
6 Drinking Song
7 Back Alley Dentist
8 Silence of the Squarepants
9 Side B
10 Champion
11 333
12 Hey Hey Hey
13 Mægnus Ærena
14 Beat My Meat
15 Three Little Pigs