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Various Artists - HausMo Mixtape II ((Dance & Electronic))

Various Artists

Various Artists - HausMo Mixtape II ((Dance & Electronic))

$ 9.72 $ 10.99

As the old adage goes: another arbitrary period of years, another HausMo Mixtape. Doug Kaplan and Maxwell Allison, heads of the Chicago-based experimental label Hausu Mountain and members of projects like Good Willsmith and Pepper Mill Rondo, scroll back through the label’s recent catalog for the second installation of their compilation series. While 2018’s HausMo Mixtape I sourced music from around 80 releases from the label’s first five years on this big ole blue ball, HausMo Mixtape II culls from the pool of releases that have appeared from 2018 to mid-2020. With the HausMo biscuit factory churning out the goods at a more competent and prolific rate than ever, it’s no surprise that this relatively short period contains untold depths of freak magic. Cooked up by a stable of artists both deeply rooted in the label’s catalog and new to the family, the compilation’s 22 tracks lay out a body of far-flung styles and idiosyncratic visions that manage, like all of the label’s releases, to make some twisted sense when framed together. Featuring everything from progressive avant-electronics to fried free-jazz noise to gonzo pop deconstruction to ornate jazz fusion to to pure ambient drift — to as many possible descriptors as there are numbers in the catalog — what HausMo releases share is the same as what drives Kaplan and Allison: a “chaotic good” motivation to entertain their listeners while challenging them in equal measure. Like a nice return to a familiar routine, listeners know that their next trip to Hausu Mountain will yield music consistent only in its unpredictability, committed to a benevolent strain of confusion.

A1. Machine Listener - Tuning A2. Nonlocal Forecast - Cloud-Hidden A3. RXM Reality - I'm a Switch A4. Pulse Emitter - Ripples A5. Bonnie Baxter - Axiom A6. Wobbly - Medieval Refrigerator A7. Fire-Toolz - Rainbow Bridge A8. Khaki Blazer - Conga Line A9. Simulation - Everyone Goes Down the Spiral Staircase A10. Sharkula x Mukqs - WIpe Your Booty with a bandana A11. BANG! BROS. - Big Bounce A12. Quicksails - Cypress B1. Lockbox - ALanis Scan 2^ B2. Dustin Wong - Desert Via Hovercamel B3. Long Distance Poison - Ooch Nuch (excerpt) B4. Euglossine - Blue Dream B5. Moth Cock - If Beggars Were Horses B6. Pepper Mill Rondo - Lesser Artists Steal, Great Artists Vape B7. Tiger Village - Modern Drummer B8. Andrew Bernstein - Boogie Woogie Phase B9. M. Geddes Gengras - Zoltan (excerpt) B10. Mondo Lava - Credits

  • Format Detail: Cassette C80 - 5-panel J-Card with artwork from HausMo Max.
  • Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 72 hours for this item's shipment.**
  • Internal ID: Cassette
  • Genre: JITRE